Monthly Neighborhood Meeting! First Thursday of the Month, at 6:30pm Click Here for Meeting Link

OBNA Open Board Meeting


Location of tonight’s meeting has been changed to the Old Library which is now the Admin Building on Wall Street south of the Library. Enter through side door by ramp.

Do you have questions about the Mirror Pond sedimentation process?

Jim Figurski, the Mirror Pond Project Manager will be at the meeting to give an update and answer questions.

This is an open forum for neighbors to chat with each other, and the board, about happening and/or concerns in your neighborhood.

Location: Old Library Building, south of the Library
Day/time: Monday, March 25th @ 6:00pm

Let us know you’re coming.

Become an Old Bend Neighbor: OBNA Membership Application

Riverside/Franklin Corridor Project

Reminder: Public Meeting/Open House Today at City Council Chambers 4:30 -6:30

City staff to show latest design of Riverside to Franklin Bicycle Pedestrian Project including the intersection of Riverside and Tumalo.

Drop by, view the plans, chat with staff. This may be your last opportunity for input.

The Mirror Pond Project is holding a public meeting tonight


The Mirror Pond Project will be discussing their vision for Mirror Pond  tonight at Bend Park and Recreation District office at 799 SW Columbia. The meeting will begin at 6:30.

City Club of Central Oregon’s February forum will be an open conversation with experts and community leaders about the specific, science-based physical options available to the community to address the filling in of Mirror Pond.  The forum takes place Thursday, February 21, 2013 from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm at the  St. Charles Center for Health and Learning.

At the Old Bend Neighbor’s Open Board Meeting on March 25, Mirror Pond will be on the agenda along with other neighborhood issues. The meeting will be at 6:00 pm in the Brooks Room at the library.