Monthly Neighborhood Meeting! First Thursday of the Month, at 6:30pm Click Here for Meeting Link

Santa Express to Collect Food, Clothing, and Toys for Needy Families

With the down turn in the economy comes more need for support of local food banks and charities, and The Salvation Army is no different. In 2010 The Salvation Army provided Christmas presents, food and clothing for 1,000 families in the Bend area. In 2011 the need has nearly doubled, with 1,800 families requesting assistance from the Salvation Army this year!

Anything and everything helps, even if its one can of food or a small toy, that donation will go a long ways to providing a good dinner on Christmas and a smile on a child’s face Christmas morning.

Bend Fire Department’s Santa Express food and clothing drive is heading into Bend Neighborhoods Monday December 3rd through Thursday December 6th. The Bend Firefighter’s Association and Bend Fire and Rescue are working with The Salvation Army to collect non-perishable food items, clothing, and toys for needy families in Bend and Central Oregon. Neighborhood residents are encouraged to listen for the fire engine and Santa, and bring donations to the street for collection. There will be many volunteers walking along with Santa the fire engines to collect the donated items. Please advise children to use caution around the moving fire engines.

The Santa Express schedule is as follows:

  • Monday December 3: Morning Star, Canal View, Wishing well and Phoenix Park
  • Tuesday December 4: Larkspur, Foxborough and Sun Meadow
  • Wednesday December 5: Providence, areas north and south of Neff Road.
  • Thursday December 6: NW Crossing, Skyliner Summit

If we don’t come through your neighborhood you can always drop off non-perishable foods, new toys or clothing starting Monday, 11/26/12 to these locations:

  • Bend Fire Department fire station  – boxes will be there until Friday 12/14/12
  • Bend Memorial Clinics – Westside on Mt. Bachelor Dr and Eastside on Neff Rd
  • Ed Wyse Beauty Supply – 1180 S Hwy 97 #B
  • Goulart Chiropractic – 424 NE Franklin Ave
  • Pappy’s Pizza – 20265 Fred Meyer Rd.
  • Red Robin – 625 SW Powerhouse Dr
  • The Salvation Army – 755 NE 2nd Street, Bend.
  • Starbucks – Toys only (Westside on Century Dr., Downtown, Fred Meyers, Cascade Village Shopping Center and East side on 27th St)
  • Wholesale Sports – 63492 Hunnel Rd

Thanks ahead of time from Bend Firefighters Association, Bend Fire and Rescue, and The Salvation Army for helping needy families this holiday season. If you need help from this holiday season with food or presents, please call The Salvation Army at 541-389-8888.

Free Yard Debris Disposal


Westside Collection Site
1675 SW Simpson Ave
Next to the Bend Parks Dist Maintenance Shops

May 4th/5th and 11th/12th – 8am to 4pm
Friday/Saturday only this year

Cover Your Load

FREE to dispose: Yard debris, leaves, pine needles, branches, grass clippings, etc
NO: stumps, lumber, trash, etc

For a FREE consultation of your home and property, please contact the Bend Fire Department at 322-6309


For those that don’t know, FireFree is a educational campaign geared to empower home owners to reduce the threat of wildfire around their home. As a token of their work, we offer FREE yard debris disposal days in May for those who are keeping their homes fire safe.

This year the Westside Transfer location will be open Friday 5/4, Saturday 5/5, Friday 5/11 and Saturday 5/12 from 7:30 am to 4 pm-ish each day. This site is located on SW Simpson Ave next to the Parks and Rec maintenance office. Yard debris can be disposed of for FREE here during these days. Knott Landfill will also be open for FREE yard debris disposal 5-3 to 5-12 except for Sunday 5/5.

What I hope for you as representatives of your neighborhoods to do is pass this information onto any and all residents, friends, neighbors, etc you know. The more this information spreads the more people will use it and the safer our community becomes. Also, we offer FREE home assessments to anyone who wants one, all they have to do is call me and I will schedule a time to come out and look at their home and give them ideas on how to make their home more fire safety, inside and/or out.

More information on FireFree can be found at: and

As we get closer to the dates I will send this information out again. Thank you for helping keep our community safe!

Dan Derlacki

Deputy Fire Marshal
City of Bend Fire Department