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Market of Choice and Bend Annex


July 12, 2012

RE:       Market of Choice and Bend Annex (201210  and 201122/1.3)

Public Meeting Notice

Dear Property Owner:

On behalf of the owners of the vacant properties located near the Old Mill district between NW Colorado and NW Arizona Avenues, east of SW Lava Road and west of the NW Colorado Avenue and NW Arizona Avenue intersection, we invite you to attend a public meeting to review and comment on two proposed developments. In the approved Property Line Adjustment (City File PZ 11-294), the western property is described as Deschutes County Assessor’s Map 17-12-32DC 13800 (formerly Assessor’s Map 17-12-32CD Tax Lots 16900, 17000, 17100 and Assessor’s Map 17-12-32DC  13700 and 13800) and the eastern property is described as Deschutes County Assessor’s Map 17-12-32DC 13900.

The development proposed for the western site is a single-story approximately 35,000 square feet grocery store with associated parking, landscaping  and site infrastructure. This proposal requires a Type II Site Plan Review and Design Review application. The review and decision is rendered by the Community Development Director following public notice.

The development proposed for the eastern site is for two single-story commercial buildings with associated parking, landscaping and site infrastructure. At this point, the tenants have not yet been identified for this site. It is likely that the smaller approximately 2,600 square foot Building 2 will have a single drive-through food service or bank tenant and the larger approximately 8,000 square foot Building

I will have multiple commercial tenants with uses such as retail, food service, personal service, and/or office. This proposal requires a Type Ill Zone Change application to change the existing Industrial Light {IL) zone to Commercial General (GC) consistent with the land use designation on the Bend Area General Plan for this property. The review and decision for the Zone Change application is rendered by the Planning Commission  or Hearings Officer following a public hearing. Additionally, the proposal requires a Type II Site Plan Review and Design Review application. The review and decision for these applications is rendered by the Community Development Director following public notice.

This notice has been mailed to all property owners of record within 500 feet of the boundaries of the subject properties and to the Land Use Chairs for the Old Bend and Southern Crossing Neighborhood Associations in accordance with the City of Bend Development  Code, Section 4.1.215.

When:  August 1, 2012 6:00pm
Where:  Downtown Bend Library Brooks Room, 601 Northwest Wall Street

Contact:   Kristen Taylor, CSBA
TBG Architects+ Planners
132 East Broadway, Suite 200
Eugene, Oregon 97401

Voice 541.687.1010 Ex 15  • Fax 541.687.0625

Please find attached a Proximity Map illustrating the location of the two subject sites. We will present the Conceptual Site Plan and Exterior Elevations for the development proposals at the public meeting.

We look forward to presenting and discussing the development proposals with you and your Neighborhood  Association on August 1st.


Kristen Taylor, CSBA
Senior Project Manager/Planner

Public Notice PDF

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